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How to play
- Sign up to our weekly newsletter
- In each newsletter, you will find a word that will form part of a final clue
- Contained in some of the articles, will be clues to solving the puzzle and where to submit your solution
How to win
- Find the key to submitting your solution in our weekly insights
- Submit your solution
- The first to submit their solution wins
What you win
- A free domain and 1GB hosting for 1 year
- 10 business emails
- A web optimized rebrand or logo (if needed)
- A custom built website including up to 5 pages and
- Newsfeed capabilities
- E-commerce capability
- Payment gateway
- 3 months free maintenance including 4 content pieces a month
Terms and Conditions
- In order to qualify you must have interacted with us on social either by reacting, sharing or commenting on our content
- Creative control of the website remains under our control although you will be consulted on your general vision and requirements
- Any additional requirements not included above may be subject to an additional quote.